
07 December 2010

Menu Plan Monday 6th - 12th Dec

I've definitely been cooking more, which was the motiviation behind this blog. So, that's a great thing! 

Last week's menu plan didn't come off perfectly, as I mentioned in a previous post, but it was pretty close.

I didn't get a chance to sit down and actually plan anything again this week. I'm bad with the planning. That's something I need to work on, but here's what I came up with for this week. Let's see how we go..

Monday: Spaghetti with napolitana sauce and garlic bread

Tuesday: Chicken Massaman with basmati rice

Wednesday: Beef tacos

Thursday: Slow cooker chicken casserole with rice 

Friday: Take away/takeout night.

Saturday: Cajun Chicken Salad

Sunday: Impossible Quiche and leftover salad.

I hope I can stick to this pretty stricty this week. I'll let you know how I go. Wish me luck!

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